

“Back around Thanksgiving time I decided to stop riding Bailey and seek out some professional help with him. He had some behavior that I was not confident I could ride through and correct and I’m a good enough rider to know that continuing without any help was most likely going to make the situation worse.

So Bailey went off to winter camp at The Frame Sport Horses and Martin and Joe worked their magic with him and he has come home a much improved horse! It is never a bad thing to admit that you might need a little help and I have learned just as much from the experience as Bailey has.

I can’t say enough good things about Martin and Joe and the program they have. Bailey got the best of care, wonderful experiences both in and out of the tack – and grew up a lot in just under two months.

Today we rode in the outdoor ring and then took a walk hack along the driveway – something I couldn’t fathom doing just two months ago. Still a long journey ahead of us, but it’s gonna be a good one.”
-Heidi Wardle

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