A great weekend at the Loudoun Hunt Summer HT AND catching up with a couple of former sale horses doing well with their new owners!! Celebrating another win for a Beall Spring Farm homebred (Charleston!), Sissi’s (Frame Severine) FIRST horse trials after spending the start of her eventing career in the jumper ring), Lucky’s FIRST ever horse trials and Alexa & Shammy’s first intermediate together!
Martin with his and Thora Pollak’s BSF Frame Charleston: 1st in Open Novice
Martin with TFSH’s Frame Severine: 3rd in Open Novice
Joe with Lindsay Morris’ Lucky Charm: 3rd in Beginner Novice Horse
Martin with Dornin North’s Narnia’s Flagmont Sentiment: 6th in Open Training
Martin with sale horse Sergeant Reckless WE: 3rd in Open Beginner Novice (Roxy is ready for a new rider – new video below!)
Martin with TFSH’s Silver Ruby: 1st in Open Training
Student Faith Genkinger with former sale horse Nuclear Code: 4th in Jr. Open Novice
Student Victoria Miller with Danielle Ruderman’s CCS Falathiel: 9th in Beginner Novice Horse (A complete six degrees of Kevin Bacon… Tori Miller is a pro with Paragon Eventing, and Fala and Danielle are at her barn, AND Martin is teaching there soon!!)
Student Silvio Pappalardo with He’s My Rock: 9th in Novice Rider
6/25-26: Horse Park of New Jersey Horse Trials I (Allentown, NY)
Alexa Gartenberg with former sale horse Frame Shamrock: 8th in Open Intermediate
Caroline Honeycutt with former sale horse Beall Spring Seahawk: 8th in Open Training
Martin and sale horse Roxy – coming along in leaps and bounds!
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